The world's largest virtual art park
100,000+ square meters
Theme parks
Artists from all over the world
Constantly new content
Ongoing events and competitions
Arena for innovation
Always open - forever

USD 20.000
Oslo Art Park is under construction and will be the world's largest virtual art park when it opens.
The park is based on augmented reality and will cover large parts of Oslo with a center in the Grünerløkka district. Oslo Art Park will consist of several theme parks containing art and cultural experiences created by both national and international artists, but still particularly focused on local initiatives.
The virtual theme parks are placed in existing parks and green areas with the help of a digital fence system that allows access only when the visitor is on site. Oslo Art Park will become a natural arena for the new digital art forms.
Each theme park is managed and curated by a selected person or organization with good artistic merit and weight within the theme of the park.
Various art and cultural activities will be organized based on the main park and the theme parks, be it competitions, games, unveilings, openings and joint events with artists and other players in the city. It is also desirable to collaborate closely with events that are already established within art, culture, history, music, film and performing arts.
Oslo Art Park will be an arena for innovative art projects within the digital and virtual sphere, and work is underway to establish a physical contact point for creative forces focused on digital and virtual art in the district of Grünerløkka.
The first theme park "Queer Park" was opened as a pilot on 25 June 2023 in connection with the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attack against the queer community. The manager and curator of the park is Pride Art.
The grand opening of Oslo Art Park will happen 25th of May 2024. Welcome!
Oslo Art Park aims to become an attraction and destination for both national and international visitors.
Efforts will be made to ensure that all activities and most parks remain free for visitors in the future.